Hydration Probe wide

Hydration Pin Probe

The most popular choise for measurement of the water binding capacity

Is your client's skin well-hydrated?

Well-hydrated skin for a healthy appearance

Well hydrated skin looks younger and healthier, and it improves the barrier of the skin. Therefore, skin professionals often include this parameter in their assessment of a skin.

The Hydration Pin Probe is used to measure hydration - the water binding capacity of the outermost layer of the skin. As a stand-alone measurement or before and after a skin hydration treatment

Benefit for your clinic

Use this measurement to assess your clients' skin moisture levels and potentially offer treatments that hydrate the skin, ensuring a younger and healthier appearance for your client.

How to measure

You can measure skin hydration in the T-zone or the U-zone, providing insights into your client's hydration levels in one of these key areas.

Our innovative Hydration probe features a spring-loaded design, ensuring accurate measurements triggered by applying optimal pressure.

To ensure precision, three measurements are taken in the selected zone, and the average is calculated and displayed on your result page, offering a comprehensive view of your skin's hydration status.

Interested? Get a demo!

Get more information about the Hydration Probe and the DermaLab Aesthetic, book a demonstration, or request prices. Find contact info to our Sales Director below or use our contact form:

Hydration Probe | In the box

CORTEX Temperatura Kalibrator

Hydration Calibrator

Hydration calibrator for Hyrdration Probes.

Get more info! Book a demo!

Lone Jager Lindquist

Don't hesitate to acquire prices, ask for detailed information, or book a demonstration.

Lone Jager Lindquist

CEO and Responsible for skin analysis instruments


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We have distributors all around the world to ensure optimal distribution of our instruments.

If your country does not have a local distributor, you are welcome to contact us directly.

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